The Nordic HIV Public Opinion Survey Reveals Gaps and Ongoing Stigma
A survey from 2024 on public perception of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the Nordics reveals significant knowledge gaps and ongoing stigma1. The findings provide important insights into the social challenges faced by people with HIV and the impact these could have on healthcare work.
It is essential to work towards dismantling the myths surrounding HIV. In healthcare, this requires both informing the public about medical advancements and actively addressing the social barriers faced by people with HIV.
The Nordic survey indicates that there is a general lack of public knowledge about HIV, especially among young people. Several participants in the survey harbor misconception about HIV transmission routes, with some believing that the virus can be spread through everyday contact such as sharing toilets or kitchen utensils.
Public Perception of HIV in Sweden
Public Perception of HIV in Finland
Public Perception of HIV in Norway
Public Perception of HIV in Denmark
1 Moseholm, Brännström, Kivelä, et al. Public Knowledge and Attitude on HIV/AIDS in the U=U Era: Insights from a Nordic Survey Study. Nordic HIV & Virology Conference 2024, September 25-27, 2024. Stockholm, Sweden.
Poster Public Knowledge and Attitudes on HIV/AIDS (Moseholm et al)
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